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The Travel Journal of Jacqui and Lars


Lars' Baptism in the Stor-Elvdal Church, Norway - 

19 July, 2000


Nway00_Koppang_Church_203.jpg (510207 bytes) Lars was baptised into the Lutheren Church of Norway in the same church where his mother was confirmed when she was growing up in Koppang.
Nway00_Koppang_Baptism_217.jpg (574321 bytes) The interior of the church is very beautiful.
Nway00_Koppang_Baptism_Lars_Parents_213.jpg (571026 bytes) The proud parents with their son.
Nway00_Koppang_Baptism_Lars_Parents_Priest_212.jpg (556635 bytes) The priest that baptised Lars was the same priest that married Jacqui and Lars 2 years ago in Lom.  The godparents are:


-  Liva Mugass

-  Carl Bespolka

-  Rosamond Kinzler

-  Edward Fong


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